DIRECTORIES - absolutely vital to success in finding your proper suppliers
The Big Dogs are:
Apart from hard slog in doing Google searches (which, by the way, is highly recommended,) these are the best ways to find genuine Dropship Wholesalers - there are many out there who say they are Dropshippers but they are mainly retailers who do a bit of dropship fulfillment, but their margins will be a lot lower than those genuine wholesalers that offer the service and remain in the background.
Genuine wholesalers generally don't advertise widely, and don't usually have great websites that are optimised for SEO, so even the Search Engines might struggle to find them.
Ways to find them:
1. ring around
2. use Google
3. use the directories
The Big Dogs are:
Apart from hard slog in doing Google searches (which, by the way, is highly recommended,) these are the best ways to find genuine Dropship Wholesalers - there are many out there who say they are Dropshippers but they are mainly retailers who do a bit of dropship fulfillment, but their margins will be a lot lower than those genuine wholesalers that offer the service and remain in the background.
Genuine wholesalers generally don't advertise widely, and don't usually have great websites that are optimised for SEO, so even the Search Engines might struggle to find them.
Ways to find them:
1. ring around
2. use Google
3. use the directories
Social Media
This page is a work in progress that we have just started re-formatting, so please bear with us while we re-format and re-list all of our favourite resources that we find from time to time on the web. All of these are designed to make your life easier and there are many choices. Some of these are ones that we have not yet tested, but they are recommended by other experts, but the ones with the bold headings are used by us all the time. Everything is used to support our list building efforts .
The ones with the main headings and logos are our "Go To" sites that we use daily, without fail. However, we are also attaching our huge list of fantastic resources that you can cherry pick to suit your own business circumstances. Without fail, the common theme is driving traffic to your online store, or building and enhancing your online presence. So, here they are.
The ones with the main headings and logos are our "Go To" sites that we use daily, without fail. However, we are also attaching our huge list of fantastic resources that you can cherry pick to suit your own business circumstances. Without fail, the common theme is driving traffic to your online store, or building and enhancing your online presence. So, here they are.
![]() See who became your Facebook Friend or who unfriended you.
This is a great way to make sure that you are reaching the right audience and keeping your database fresh. |
![]() Facebook Groups Posting Software
In order to get this you will need to buy into our Make Money Online with Paypal program, but for $50 you will get thousands of dollars of great resources including our Twitter and Facebook automated posting software |
Keyword research is the foundation of a good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and a vital component of your content marketing strategy.Here are 10 helpful keyword research tools worth exploring:
1. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: This headline analyzer scores your overall headline quality and helps you determine the ideal number of words for your headlines. It also ensures that you balance emotional and powerful words to make your headlines readable and compelling. For more on the subject, please read: How to Write the Best Headlines That Will Increase Traffic. 2. SerpStat.com: This is a free keyword suggestions tool, providing search suggestions based on popular keywords in Google searches and the different forms used by people seeking various sources of information. It collects and aggregates search suggestions into a free report. 3. WordTracker: This tool reveals the best keywords related to your search term. It shows you how much traffic certain keywords get and which words you might focus on. The one drawback is that it is geared for you to sign up for the paid version with the "continue your research" button after you get the quick analysis. [RELATED: PressPage, the world's No. 1 self-publishing newsroom platform, makes sharing your company's news easier, faster, and more cost effective than ever before.] 4. SEMrush: After you enter your website's URL, this tool provides analytics geared toward the digital marketer. You get information about your competitors, along with specific keywords that are performing well for them. You even get insight into keyword difficulty and backlink information. 5. SpyFu: This website is great for an overview of keywords. It provides a number of monthly searches, ranking difficulty and profitable related keywords. You can enter the name of a competitor, and it delivers an overview of which keywords, links are working well for them, what their pay-per-click ads look like and much more. Word6. UberSuggest: This tool provides helpful keyword suggestions so you can learn about specific topics. Add to your keywords a word that starts with "a," for example, and a suggestion will appear, and on through the alphabet to help you with long tail keywords. Make sure you read The Beginners Guide to SEO: Keyword Research. |
7. Google's Keyword Planner:
Most people use this well-established website. Recently, Google began requiring you to sign up for a Google AdWords account before you can use it. It provides keyword ideas and traffic estimates. 8. Bing Keyword Research Tool: Having mentioned Google, the No. 1 search engine tool, I would be wrong not to mention the second-most popular search engine: Bing. Here is a list of the most popular search engines. 9. SEO Chat: This tool shows how keywords look side by side on sites such as Google, Bing, YouTube and Amazon. It is great for brainstorming topics and content and showing how users search differently on YouTube for entertainment purposes vs. Amazon for buying purposes. 10. KeywordTool.io: This website enables you to search keywords in Google, Bing, YouTube and the App Store. It generates more than 750 suggestions for every keyword. It is one of the few tools that allow you to search the App Store, according to InternetMarketingNinjas.com. 11. WORDZE - a brilliant FREE utility which everyone should be using 12. WebDevelopersEtc has produced a list of other Keyword Resources and we recommend that you visit the website: Keyword Ninja http://www.keywordninja.com Price: $47 one time cost Keyword Ninja is a php script that scrapes keyword suggestions from the search engines. The one time cost includes free lifetime updates and no monthly fees. Yoast Google Suggest Expander https://yoast.com/suggest Price: Free Yoast offers a free Google keyword suggestion tool. You can even choose a different language and export the results as a csv file. SEO Stack http://www.seostack.net Price: 30 Day Free trial, paid version not yet released SEO Stack is a tool that you can download on your computer that gives you keyword suggestions from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay and YouTube. It also can display other data to analyze competitiveness of a keyword phrase, like domain authority and page authority of competing pages. Keyword Keg https://keywordkeg.com/ Price: Free to try, starting at $8/month for paid plans Keyword Keg is an online keyword tool that displays estimate search volume, CPC cost and keyword value. The free version provides limited results. K-meta https://k-meta.com Price: Free version includes 50 results per report and 50 reports, Paid versions starting at $29 / month K-Meta is another keyword suggestion tool that displays average monthly searches, impressions and cost per click. The free results provide a range for the search volume rather than an exact value, similar to Google Keyword Planner. Ubersuggest.io https://ubersuggest.io/ Price: Free Ubersuggest.io offers keyword suggestions based on the keyword you type into the search field. A nice feature is that you can click to “expand” a keyword if you see a keyword that you like to create even more keywords. You can also download everything as a csv file. Keyword Kiwi http://www.contentforest.com/keywordkiwi Price: Unknown Keyword Kiwi provides keyword suggestions from various search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube and even iTunes. It also does shopping search engines like Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping, Rakuten and Etsy. The free version displays only keywords, but not search volume or CPC cost. It prompts you to schedule a demo after you do a search. K-Parser https://kparser.com/ Pricing: Free KParser is a keyword suggestion tool that parses all major search engines. It is free and you can download all results. Although it has a volume and CPC column, it doesn’t appear to display any results in those columns. Tiny Suggest http://www.tinysuggest.com Pricing: Free Tiny Suggest is an easy to use keyword suggestion tool that gets data from Google. You can select the language and also export the data. Keyword Country https://keywordcountry.com Pricing: Paid version starts at $27 / month, free version available Keyword Country is a keyword suggestion tool. The paid version is required to display search volumes. Web SEO Analytics Keyword Tool http://www.webseoanalytics.com/free/seo-tools/keyword-research.php Pricing: Free, Paid version starts at $29 / month Web SEO Analytics is another keyword suggestion tool. It loads a little slow and if you register, you can download reports. Good Keywords https://goodkeywords.com/good-keywords/ Pricing: Free Good Keywords is Windows based software that you can download. It can store your keyword data from Google’s Keyword Planner and also has tools that help generate long tail keyword ideas. Other Tools Term Chase https://termchase.com/ Price: Free Term Chase calls itself the world’s first search engine for Google Trends. This tool seems to be useful for higher volume search terms, as it utilizes Google Trends. It also displays popular recent searches below the search box. Wordle http://www.wordle.net Price: Free Wordle is a free web-based app that allows you to paste text into a box to generate a word cloud. You can take a competitor’s web page and paste in the text to see what keywords are used more frequently, which can give you ideas for topics to write about. Article Insights http://articleinsights.com/ Price: Free version allows 5 searches per month, Paid version starting at $19 / month and $0.25 per search Article Insights is a tool that assists with article writing by suggesting keywords to include in your article, which can help you get more long tail SEO traffic. It helps you find article topics, instead of just keywords and also tracks the uniqueness of each article. Keyworddit http://keyworddit.com/ Price: Free Keyworddit by Tool Scientists gets keywords from Reddit. Basically, you enter a sub-reddit and it will display the top keywords used in that sub-reddit. A great way to find out what people are talking about in a community. Twinword Ideas https://www.twinword.com/ideas Price: Free version limited to 20 searches a day, Paid version starting at $19 / month Twinword ideas has a unique feature that allows you to search for keywords by user intent, including phrases people use when search for information, looking to buy something or local area searches. You can also import a list of your own keywords to analyze and create a “brainstorm graph” from a keyword phrase. Rank Tracker https://www.ranktracker.com Price: Starting at $23 / month, 10 day free trial available Rank Tracker is a tool that allows you to track your keyword rankings, but it also has functionality that allows you to spy on your competitors and uncover new keyword opportunities. Content Ideator http://www.contentforest.com/ideator Pricing: Free Content Ideator is a great tool for bloggers and article writers to get topic ideas. Simply enter your search phrase and it will pull up article titles that have already been written about that topic. There appears to also be a paid version that displays social shares of each article. Keyword Multiplier Tool by Clever Clicks http://cleverclicks.com.au/resources/keyword-multiplier-tool-seo-ppc/ Pricing: Free If Story Base https://www.storybase.com/ Pricing: Free version limited to 10 searches per month, Paid version starting at $29 / month Instead of just offering keywords, Story Base provides questions and phrases as a search result which can help you come up with new article topics and ideas. Google Correlate https://www.google.com/trends/correlate/ Pricing: Free Google Correlate helps you find related search terms. Just type in your keyword phrase and it will display the results. You can even see where terms are searched for geographically on the map and download the results. SEO Quake Chrome extension https://www.seoquake.com Pricing: Free SEO Quake is a free Google Chrome extension that allows you to analyze the on page SEO of a website, examine internal and external links and compare domains. You can quickly analyze the keyword density of web pages that you visit and download SEO data. Terapeak https://www.terapeak.com/ Pricing: Starting at $6 / month, free trial Terapeak is a keyword research tool for eBay sellers. Asides from keywords, it also includes pricing and other useful listing information. SEO Suites SEO Suites are designed to be all-in-one SEO solutions that provide all the tools you need to do SEO. The following SEO tools also provide keyword research functionality. Top Visor https://topvisor.com/ Price: Free, Paid versions depending on usage Top Visor is an SEO and PPC suite that includes keyword research capabilities. You can also track rankings, crawl and analyze websites and do a technical audit. It is also accessible via mobile app. Top Visor is free to sign up for, but appears to charge you a little bit each time you use it. Monthly plans start at $29 / month for more frequent users. Moz Keyword Explorer https://moz.com/explorer Cost: Free for 2 searches per day Moz provides their own keyword explorer tool that you can use to search for keyword ideas. A big downside is that it is limited to only 2 searches per day (5 if you have a Moz account), unless you sign up for Moz Pro. AHrefs with Keyword Explorer 2.0 https://ahrefs.com/keywords-explorer Price: Starting at $82 / month AHrefs has a keyword research tool built into their SEO suite which contains 3.1 billion keywords. They also claim to have more accurate keyword volume data and click metrics that more accurate estimate potential traffic. Authority Labs https://authoritylabs.com/ Price: Starting at $49 / month Authority Labs is a tool that allows you to track your search engine rankings. One unique feature is that it allows you to recover “not provided” keywords from your Google analytics. Tiny Ranker https://www.tinyranker.com/keyword-analysis Price: Starting at $19 / month Tiny Ranker is an SEO suite that allows you to track keyword rankings, gives SEO tips, allows you to monitor competitor rankings (including paid PPC) and also has a keyword analysis feature. The keyword feature allows you to find keywords that you are ranking for but haven’t noticed yet, find competitor keywords, get keyword suggestions from search engines and get keyword statistics so you know which keyword phrases to focus on. Alexa http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo Price: Starting at $49 / month Alexa tracks website data from around the web. Their tool provides keywords from your competitors, helping you identify keywords that you are missing out on and low competition keyword phrases. The free search allows you to see a few keywords, but you will need a paid account to get access to more data. |
Bonus: Don't forget to use Google Trends to explore topics and see how the popularity of certain words have grown, such as content marketing.